The moment they drive the spiffy little model off the lots it depreciates by 1/3.
Plus the new owner spends a tremendous amount of time and energy keeping the new car NEW which, in spite of the most valiant effort, is doomed.
This is why I've long been a proponent of "pre-dented" vehicles.
Sure they may cost a little more but it saves you all the worry and consternation of the first dent on your new car.
Just as there's no such thing as a perfect life, cars don't stay perfect for very long either.
It was with great surprise then that I received a "Pre-Father's Day" card yesterday.
I had no idea such things existed.
It was custom made by hand by Sarah's middle daughter Laurel who I've been carting back and forth all week to paddle board camp.
Honestly we've been miffed at one another most of the week.
She's a ten year old who knows everything, hates to get up in the morning to actually attend paddle board camp and then it's somehow my fault for making her go against her will when she's the one who's wanted to attend since last year!
Sarah was gone with her two other girls and I was responsible for taking Laurel to meet them after paddle board camp.
Of course Laurel did not want to go and fired excuses at me as though her mouth is a machine gun that never needs reloading.
I stomp my foot down telling her to get ready so she busies herself while I remind myself I'm the adult.
After dropping her off by slowing down to 35 miles per hour and thrusting her out of the car to Sarah, I return to the peace and quiet of home and ... discover my "Pre-Father's Day" card tenderly laying on my pillow.
"Well Hell," I say out loud reading that she loves me and thanks me for everything I do.
You can never figure kids out. Just when I have her where I want her ... meaning gone! ... she does the sweetest thing, touches my heart and I miss her.
Well ... until Sarah got home and kid-less for the first time in weeks, we quickly busied ourselves with other, long overdue activities.
I'll thank Laurel after the fact when she gets back home tomorrow night.