"What is truth?" Pilate asks Jesus who doesn't reply.
"I can't say anymore," The Moody Blues offer centuries later.
I'm with the Blues on this one ... it's hard to say which is perhaps why Jesus didn't.
Earlier to his friends he did say "I am the way, the truth and the life" so it's funny that Jesus doesn't repeat it when asked by Government Authority.
Then again Government knows very little about truth which is likely why Pilate's asking in the first place ... Like most elected or appointed officials he has no clue.
Nevertheless I can see Pilate standing there acting like he knows because one of the rules of Government is you only ask questions you already know the answers to ... or at least think you know.
For Pilate the truth of the matter is he can go along with the majority opinion and kill the poor guy or do what he thinks is right.
Like most politicians, Pilate chooses to agree with what the Polls say and Jesus is crucified in a grand way drawing huge crowds.
The whole thing got great reviews.
Again The Moody Blues offer an explanation as to why they can't say what truth is ... "Cause I love you."
I like that.
Love biases me in the same way public opinion and majority rule biases politicians.
Then again Jesus talked an awful lot about love ... even saying that's what God is ... pure, unadulterated L.O.V.E.
I like that too.
The best I ever feel is when love is pouring out all over the place and it's Holy, Righteous, Cleansing and fun as Hell!
The most defiled I ever feel is when politicians answer their own questions or prostitute themselves for the majority opinion.
This is one of the tricks I admire most about politicians ... sometimes they vote against the majority opinion but it's only because they've counted the numbers know what's going to happen before it does.
I once watched a State Representative make a passionate plea before his colleagues just to show me he cares about what I care about but ... when he finished and shook the hands of his fellow politicians ... they unanimously voted him down.
After all I had contributed to his campaign.
But it was all for show.
So I think that Jesus knew there was no point in answering.
Politicians and Appointed Officials are pretty easy to figure out ... they want to get re-elected, re-appointed and keep everything they've got.
Because they love it.
Not because they love us.
Certainly not because they know God is love.