"So how is it?" Aunt Becky asked with bemusement on her face.
"What?" I reply uncertain of the question.
"Living with three little girls," she explains. "What are their ages?"
My Mom rolls her eyes as she flips through Sandy Bottoms & Duct Taped Hearts that I'd just given her.
"Maddie's 12, Laurel is 9 and Cass is 6," I say.
"Oooh boy," she says looking at the ocean outside of the window, as I roll my eyes at Mom.
"Becky," I continue plowing ahead. "I love being a Daddy. I'm a Kristen survivor. Nobody can throw more at a parent than my oldest daughter did and now she's the sweetest thing. She takes care of me."
"A Kristen survivor," she laughs.
"So I love the girls. I mean I could shoot every one of them at least once a day. Sometimes I'd shoot them a lot. They make me believe in the National Rifle Association and stupid things like that. But they make me laugh and they say things to me they'd never say to their parents ... including things about their parents."
"Will you tell my Mom this if I tell you?" Maddie asks the other day.
"You can always tell me anything," I answer. "Same way it is with my kids. If I think it's something your Mom needs to know, I'll tell you so you can tell her ... that way I steer clear of bad reactions."
"Hmmmm," Maddie mumbles never taking her eyes off the multiple texts she's sending from her phone.
"Listen," I explain. "I get in enough trouble your Mom. I'm sure as hell not getting into more because of you."
"Alright then ..." and she tells me.
"Yeah ... " I sigh, "you should tell your Mom."
"Alright then," she sighs as she continues to text.
The thing about being a parent is you never stop being one. My kids are adults going through all the good times and bad times that young adults go through. I do my best to love them through whatever it is and to let them know that home is always an option.
But ... they're still my babies. I don't care how old they are or what they're going through. And I'm still their Dad. It's a universal truth ordained by God Herself!
We're a fractured Brady Bunch with Sarah's little ones and my adult ones but it works somehow ... more times than not.
When we don't want to shoot each other ... family love is the best love.
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