The girls want to get out of school early and are begging me to be the one to spring them.
I'm overly sympathetic and don't mind being an accomplice as I have a long history of skipping.
I've skipped out of numerous classes in school ... Chapel Services in Seminary ... every class reunion held ... a few public appearances ... many Conference Workshops I'd registered to attend ... a couple of marriages ... and once I skipped a speech I was giving.
In front of about a hundred people I was following a really bad speaker ... the entire audience of a College Baptist Student Union was falling asleep, slitting their wrists and praying for the Second Coming to immediately take place.
I mean this guy really sucked.
After he mercifully sat down, I was introduced, took the Podium and asked, "Who wants to follow that? I don't."
And I sat down.
This endeared me to the kids who gave me a standing ovation though the Baptists in charge didn't seem to appreciate my gift of unallocated time.
Furthermore, I already have plans to skip growing old (I'm gonna stay young till I die), any funeral planned (who wants to attend their own funeral?) and my burial (I'm all for this "Dust in the Wind" theory so just blow my ashes in the faces of people I don't like!).
So when the girls ask if they can be sprung ... I'm predisposed.
Of course I support Sarah's decision and say ... "Sure Honey! You are absolutely right! I support anything you say! Whatever you want!"
At the same time I'm telling the girls, "I'll see what I can do."
I'm pretty pansy when it comes to the girls.
Part of it is I helped our older kids skip the boring and unpleasant stuff so it's a family tradition!
So it's completely unfair when I'm put in this position!
I'm all for getting them out today!
Though ... I'm only 49% of the ultimate decision!
I attended enough school to know reality when it hits me in the face!
I love you girls but I'm not that stupid.