Can you imagine his answers at the League of Women Voter's Forum?
"Yes I have a question Jesus. You claim that you know how we can live more abundantly and fully. If you were elected how will you advise your constituents on bringing this about?"
"That you for that question. It begins with each of us individually. So if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away ... same with your right hand! If you're sinning with it, cut it off and toss it in the recycling bin."
"Say what?"
"Excuse me Jesus, but I have a question. Why in God's name would we vote for you given what you just said?"
"Well, you will be delivered up even by parents, brothers, cousins and friends and some of you will be put to death; you will be hated by all for my name's sake."
"Okay, let's change the subject and talk about green space for a few minutes. Jesus, what's your stance on planting trees?"
"If they don't produce fruit for you to eat, to Hell with 'em!"
"Let me move on and talk about the criminal justice system."
The room bursts into applause.
"Judge not and you won't be judged! Condemn not and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven!"
"Does that include speeders?" someone yells.
"This is the final question. Why should we vote for you?"
"He who rejects me rejects the one who sent me."
Doesn't matter if he ran as a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Independent ... Jesus would never get elected.
We don't dwell much on politics at Bar Church.
No one elected to office attends.
We understand and embrace we're in the minority position, the last anyone thinks about.
But, we hang on to much of what Jesus said any way.
Like "the last shall be first and the first shall be last for many are called but few are chosen."