Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sure Enough it's gonna be a show!

The fears I fear are never gone ... The things I know are coming on ... are not so nice to look upon ... so closely ...

Confesses Jesus in the magnificent "Cotton Patch Gospel" by Harry Chapin. It's the Gospel story set in Georgia and Jesus' on his way to Atlanta where he suspects things are not going to go so well.

The Disciples are beside themselves with excitement believing the Kingdom is finally coming on earth as it is in heaven and they have front row seats.

Jesus knows better though he gets caught up in their joy.

"What does Atlanta mean to me?" he sings as they gleefully anticipate getting to the top ... the bright lights ... the show down ... sure enough it's going to be a show.

"It means being what I'm supposed to be," Jesus answers himself.

You know what happens.

Everything goes horribly wrong and he ends up deader than a doornail, thrown in a donated grave and surrounded by 24/7 security.

But ... miraculously if you like a really good story or really do believe in miracles ... it all works out.

Security falls asleep.

People who love Jesus refuse to leave him alone.

The stone's rolled away.

Jesus gets up.

His best friend mistakes him for the gardener who keeps the cemetery looking good.

Even the Disciples who'd fled to save their asses come together and reform for a reunion tour ... though without the original lead singer.

Sure enough it's a show people still talk about.

"My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me ... is how Jesus says it in the Bible.

We still tell the story all these centuries later because Jesus takes the risk, throws caution to the wind, believes in miracles without a single shred of evidence to become who he's supposed to be and ... it all works out.

Why don't we do that?

It can be our story too can't it?

Why do we get caught up in our fears, convince ourselves if we actually be who we're supposed to be ... all hell's going to break loose and our asses are going to be crucified?

We're stuck, fearing our fears, living the lives others want us to have, trading freedom for security, never taking risks or throwing caution to the wind so ... we never rise to much anything.

It's ourselves we betray and have no one to blame other than ourselves.

I've been through several crucifixions, survived divorces, betrayals, walked away from expectations of others, lost people I love and I'm the first to tell you, and I'm certain Jesus would agree, they suck and hurt like hell!

But you know what?

Just like Jesus got through his, I got through mine and these days it's pretty heavenly around here. I wouldn't change anything!

What about you?

Would you change anything?

Or are the fears you feel never gone?

I'm here to tell you ... grab hold of your fears and hang their sorry asses on the cross. Life's heavenly when you're who you're supposed to be. You can rise above the loveless living, sorry friends, things you don't care about, loss and repeatedly being hurt by those you think make you secure. If you need help, I'm here.

But you can do this!

I did.

Sure enough, my life's one hell of a show!

It's time for yours to be one too!

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