I think that Paul McCartney is 69 years old. Will you still need me, will you still feed me ... when he was 64? He's 69 going on 70 ... and going out on tour with a new album.
Given that ... and the fact that he walked barefoot across Abby Road (we prefer the same kind of shoe) ... plus ... ALL OF THAT MUSIC! ... it's hard not to like Paul. Two of the Fab Four are dead and Ringo hangs around Stars. Linda, the love of Paul's life is long dead now ... and after a not-so-successful marriage to Heather Mills, he just got married again.
{She} takes a licking and keeps on ticking, as I recently promised to Sarah under a full moon.
"The answer to divorce," Sir Paul recently said, "is marriage."
The Major Prophet John Lennon, who used to hang around Paul, once said, "Flower Power didn't work. So what? Let's try again."
Paul's saying the same thing.
Obviously ... I am in agreement.
All of that to say ... I'm in a band.
My wife Sarah is also in the band.
Dedra is the band.
We mostly do Church gigs in a bar ... though I fronted a killer version of "Knocking on Sarah's Door" at Bernie's recently ... played a couple of sets at Bennie's ... and Tybee's most famous concert was held on Cheryl and Jodee Sadowski's porch last summer where we played live with the famous ... and reclusive Mitch Wesley! Who gets to say that? The man is rarely seen in public?
So we practice with Samuel Adams who thinks he's in charge.
Steven is the lead guitarist and looks like one.
Davy is the drummer and acts like one.
Gordo blows the harps.
Sean plays bass, twelve string, six string, rolls out cords before the gig and then again after the gig.He also sells popcorn during intermission and ... probably mops the floors after we're gone.
Lea drops words like babies on the stage.
Gladius ... or Sparticus ... or Amerilus or whatever his name is ... plays a really mean Spanish guitar that leaves everyone breathless. Hennie plays congos and makes us look black.
We have a good time.
People seem to like it because we throw in prayers, sermons, confessions, laughter and we Speak in tongues in a language that only we can understand.
But you know what?
At 55 years of age, I'm still a punk rocker. I remain a Beatle-wanna-be. My hair is long and guitar playing is better than it's been since last time I was in a band ... which was just after the Beatles had broken up. And hanging around these younger, beautiful, passionate, struggling, gifted, wonderful members of the band ... keeps me young.
Well ... them and Sarah.
The Fountain of Youth bubbles with music.
That's the reason a chorus of Angels show up to announce births of Saviors.
Rock On!