It's crazy how histrionic we've become.
Politics, religion, sports, entertainment and ... meteorology!
They are seem the same, whipping crowds into a mindless frenzy of lemmings following each other off a cliff.
It's nuts how everything ... EVERYTHING ... is a catastrophic matter of life and death.
If Hillary wins it's the end of the world as we know it ... it Trump's elected it's certain disaster.
Christians and Muslims hate each other ... the intolerance of most faiths of anything other than it's own dogma ... the lip service of loving God by loving others is traded for the lie that God demands only one way ... yours!
Competitive sports has lapsed into pure unadulterated hatred for the other team.
But as horrific as these are ... meteorologists are the worst of the worse.
The mere prospect of a storm coming close means Armageddon is coming.
Under the guise of protecting you with the warning of what's coming ... they don't know shit ... getting paid guess and sell it as Gospel truth.
When the storm passes, they say we dodged a bullet.
In between, they create hysteria!
Long lines for gas, empty grocery store shelves, school closings, disrupted work, Government shutdowns (because Government in America is a follower ... not a leader) and intense animosity as we fight over what we must have to protect ourselves at the cost of others.
The craziest thing though is ... we fall for it ... and believe them when the demonstrative track record is they're wrong far more than they're right.
And in grand self delusion, they seem to believe themselves!!
Once, a real live meteorologist stood in our drive way picking up a kid and it thundered as a dark cloud rolled passed.
"Oh F#ck!," she smiles. "I guess I missed that one."
I guess so.