Friday, September 13, 2013

The nation of outsiders

My career resembles the movie "Animal House" more than anything else.

I was always an outsider working on behalf of the nation of outsiders. Representing homeless people, people with AIDS, the uninsured and addicts of every kind, we were insanely crazy enough to really believe we could win!

And we did.

I've been surrounded with co-workers as nutty as the Deltas in the movie. Sarah, Diane Reel-Fuller, Keller Deal, Kelly McDaniel, Joe Bridges, Gloria Coleman, Alisa Monfalcone ... an endless parade of absurd believers in love conquering hate, justice reigning supreme, the dead constantly being raised and we really can have heaven on earth.

Talk about unorthodox!

We were crazy.

Memorial Hospital kept sending people back to a homeless shelter because they weren't sick enough to be admitted. I'm sure it had nothing to do with their inability to pay because hospitals are sanctuaries ... places of  healing.

So we kept sending the sick people back to the hospital.

The hospital kept sending them back ... in a cab.

There's a wonderful law in this country that if you go to the Emergency Room and say you're having a heart attack, you receive a complete medical examination on the spot.

So one night, 63 homeless people had heart attacks at the same time.

As crazy as it was to orchestrate such a thing ... it worked.

Afterwards, homeless people received the best health care in the city for a long time and national recognitions rained down on each of us who had anything to do with it.

But it started with a pissed off act of rebellion.

I've got lots of stories like that.

They begin in love mixed with anger ... a combination leading to crazy actions ... all hell breaks loose ... which naturally leads to very successful results.

It's backwards from what we're taught, the opposite of societal norms, shocking to the majority and ... as much as people hate it ... they love it.

We all want to be the radical who proves everyone else wrong.

We know we're "the fool on the hill who sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head sees" ... everything.

Everybody wants to rule the world.

But ... we don't.

We're too scared. We might fail and look silly. People we love will disapprove. We'll feel silly. The truth of the matter is we really couldn't stand heaven if it hit us in the face.

Sarah and I are hard at work ... reinventing ourselves ... again. We're not paying much attention to the things expected of us. Starting a company from scratch, blending families, working from home, traveling anyway, investing everything we have in ourselves ... we're crazy!

In the most wonderful ways.

Anais Nin said, "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

To hell with the confines of the world! They're too many of them anyway and they just keep things the same. We were sick of the same. So we're making new.

Yeah it's scary.

But dammit it's fun!

What are you doing today?


Embracing peace in your life! “You are one of the most tormented people I know,” she said. I was at the height of success, living at the beach, working in a beautiful city, having everything I thought I wanted…but she was right. I was miserable and didn’t know why. Then I decided to take a journey inside of myself. Life is too short and I deserved to happily celebrate my life. As much as I wanted to lay the blame at the feet of others, it was my own fault and I needed to know why I prevented myself from enjoying my life. I needed to find peace. And I did. You can find yours.

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