It's bad enough that there are hurricanes, tsunamis, tornados and earthquakes. Accidents of nature wreck destruction on homes and unexpectedly kill people. We ask God why such things exist in a world that is otherwise perfect and some say its our own damn fault because we're sinners and God's angry at us.
I don't believe that shit.
God's given us pretty much everything God has to give.
I don't know why freaks of nature happen but they do.
And aside from them it really is a pretty perfect world.
If they weren't bad enough though, look at what we do ourselves. When hurricanes and tornados aren't doing us in, some line up to volunteer and help.
It happened again yesterday in Boston when someone for whatever reason placed bombs at the pinnacle of a celebration wrecking destruction and unexpectedly killing people.
It was likely for political or religious reasons, the two major motivations for people doing bad things. It may have been because of mental illness because this country does next to nothing for the mentally ill other than guarantee their rights to bear arms. It could have been simply because some people are evil living their lives to hurt others.
Honestly though, it wasn't just Boston. Throughout the Middle East the same thing happens almost daily. Asia's building bombs and making threats. "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is not yet."
I don't understand why such things must happen.
Like freaks of nature, I don't understand freaks of politics or religion.
I don't understand why we treat the sick so badly.
I don't understand evil though I've certainly seen it and felt its wrath.
In spite of all of these things, the end is not yet.
That's the good part I guess.
Yesterday, Sarah's girls were scared because of the bombings in Boston. We were watching on television. They asked if bombs were going to explode here. They mentioned Korea. They asked me if the end of the world was happening soon.
"The end is not yet," I told them in an assuring way.
I don't know why its not ... though I suspect its because we've still got a lot to learn about how we should all be treating each other.