"No matter who you vote for, the Government always gets in," meaning nothing changes.
Well intentioned good people run for office with a passion to change things, make things better, friendlier ... fix what's broken ... make right what's wrong.
They get elected and nothing changes.
Government is bigger than any one individual.
I've seen it a thousand times. I have a friend who was so angry at the way the Police Department treated people he ran for office to fix it. He won and the Police are more arrogantly intrusive now than ever before.
It's not his fault.
Only fools equate change with getting elected.
The good news is elections are free ... it's in the results where we eventually pay.
Sure little things happen. Small nudges to the left or right. For the most part everything remains the same ... except for one thing.
Government continues to grow, feasting on everyone who votes, cannibalizing each elected soul and only associating with other Governments who they secretly desire to steal and make it part of itself.
Government is bloated, self-righteous, uncaring in spite of the well intentioned good people who make it up.
Institutions exist to perpetuate themselves ... be they business, Churches, Societies, Clubs or Government.
These days, businesses consolidate ... Churches are diminishing ... Societies shrink ... and Clubs keep to themselves.
Only Government continues to grow.
Regardless of Republicans or Democrats the untarnished growth continues.
1984 came and went but "Big Brother" remains and is doing quite well.
It's a shame it's at our expense.