"Even the worst among us are precious. Even the most precious among us bear crosses."
Says Frederick Buechner and I certainly believe it true.
Everyone carries crosses, bears burdens, deals in doubt, struggles with security and you are weighted down by worries.
And everyone keeps them secret.
Living in fear rather than admit our realities, we make things worse, keeping them quiet, holding them dear, sharing them only with God in dark nights of the soul.
Making it worse, God keeps quiet.
The most religious and holy among us hide these things behind their faith.
Corporate leaders hide in towers of steel, wood and glass making themselves impossible to see behind the façades of power. We conclude they are different somehow, smarter, luckier, braver or just blessed.
Politicians promise they're different, having nothing to hide though everyone knows they're lying but we choose to believe the lies.
The rest of us keep our nose to the grindstone, our mouths shut, hearts closed and eyes focused on things we believe will bring relief ... the one true love, the promotion, the big sale, the affirmation of someone else or the winning lottery ticket.
We believe in Heaven because we've already touched Hell and it never goes away.
Not wanting anyone else to know, we keep it to ourselves.
What's funny is most of us have lots of good going on too. Living where we want or at least in comfort, watching healthy children grow, there's groceries in the Fridge and gas in the car. We have friends even though some are bad ones. Another day has been given to us.
These things aren't enough though.
What we really want is to be free from fear.
But fear seems to trump most days.
It's been said the more you love yourself, the less effect fear has on you.
I believe this too.
Today when the cross digs keep into your back, the burdens make you stumble, insecurity washes over you like a flood and worries throw wet blankets over your head and heart ... stop for a second and hug yourself.
If you're lucky enough, hug someone else too.
"There is no fear in love," says the Apostle John, "because love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. Those who fear aren't living in love."
That's my plan for today.
What's yours?
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