Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our puppy is sick!

Something's wrong with Winston, the little gay dog.

First off, he's not dressing like he normally does. Every day he is very particular about his looks and makes a fashion statement. He prefers letting the world know he's opening gay having kicked the closet door open the moment he was born. He likes to wear shirts with sayings like, "I love football! Especially tight ends!" or "Jesus loves me! Isn't that gay!"

Yesterday and today he's just mopes around naked.

He's very particular about his diet but right now he's not anything. Oh, he's starved himself before because he very much agrees with Fernando Lamas, "It is better to look good than to feel good." This time though, he's not trying to fit into whatever new doggie sweaters he's bought online.

Sarah puts food in his little crystal doggie bowl with the gold leaf trim with Van Gogh's "Starry Night" on the bottom but he sighs and walks away.  

He loves Sarah more than anything and is forever following her around but not right now. He's not jumping on the bed to cuddle with her either. Instead, in the night he just stays under the bed in his little doggie pad with the lava lamps, Chaise Lounge,  shag carpet and votive candles while watching the Liberace: Behind the Chandelier movie over and over.

Goddess seems unconcerned about her baby brother, eating all of the treats we give him to satisfy her never ceasing case of the munchies. When she's not doing that she tends her lavish herb garden.

The girls are growing mildly concerned because he's not helping them get ready for school in the mornings and they value his sense of style. He's forever rolling his eyes and shaking his head as they parade out decked in what they think looks cool. Most day's he even barks at Laurel's fashion statements. Now he's not even helping them with their hair!

When Sarah and I have the morning coffee break he normally likes to watch but he's not even coming inside these days.

Personally, I could care less except that his little naked self is right beside me as my naked self is trying to work. Sitting outside on the Beloved Back Deck, he stares at me, sleeps at my feet or licks where his balls used to be. It's hard for me to concentrate.

He's eleven in dog years so it could be puberty.

I don't know.

But I do care. I don't like it when anyone in my family is sick or things aren't right for them. I don't even like when they have bad moods. Life's short and its sometimes too hard. I like it best when we're celebrating the day, doing good things because every day is a good day for that, and really enjoying the life we have and who we have ... and who we had ... in it.

I know you're busy but I'd appreciate it if you'd take moment to do something for Winston, the little gay dog. Say a prayer, blow him a kiss, send some good Karma, plaint a Rainbow Flag in your yard or hit the like button on Face Book.

I do love my little gay son and I don't like him being sick.

Want to know more about Winston, the little gay dog?
An eccentric life dotted with eclectic characters pop from the pages of award winning author Micheal Elliott’s newest book Sandy Bottoms & Duct Taped Hearts. Over 200 pages of his musings immerse you in a world of headshaking wonder, gut wrenching laughter, heart touched tenderness and empathetic tears.
You can at http://www.meellc.com/wordpress/newbook/