This spring is ever so slow in actually arriving. The sun is bright, there isn't a cloud in a crystal blue sky and plants are blooming but ... there's a nip in the air, the ocean breeze has a chill and I get cold stepping outside. It could be because I'm wearing black running shorts and little else but ... IWANT it to be summer now!
I don't want March to rush away but I'm ready for it to be perpetually in the 80s!
It may come close today.
I hope so.
Crowds have arrived for Spring Break and St. Patrick's Day. Everyone is wearing green and they're ready to party! Busses are traveling back and forth on the Tybee Road carrying them to and from the parade in the city. This afternoon they'll all rush back, filling the beach and every restaurant and bar on the island. The season has begun and the search for fun, romance, tans and beer is on!
Let them.
I'm enjoying a laid back Saturday morning far away from the maddening crowds. Goddess is sitting under my feet and Winston, the little gay dog, is underneath's Sarah's. They're remarkably quiet. The house is remarkably quiet. No words are being spoken and if silence is indeed golden then we're freaking rich!
Other than promise, I don't know what today holds.
Goddess needs a bath.
Ribs are in the fridge waiting to be grilled.
Other than that there are no plans.
Perhaps we'll venture out into the party later. We might turn the television on and watch a bit of the parade. We may stroll to the beach. It's a good day to read a book on the Beloved Back deck and steal glances of Sarah's beauty as she does things. Light a fire tonight and hold hands.
It's that kind of day.
I'm glad there's nothing else going on today.