The entire time I worked in Savannah, commuting the 20 minute drive from Tybee, I never recall High Tides preventing me from getting on or off the island.
Sure there were times salt water covered part or all of the road but it was never officially closed as a public safety issue.
If people wanted to go to work or get home they merely drive through it.
Those not wishing to work or go home call in explaining the road's impassable and stay in bed, go to a bar or continue sleeping with whoever they're sleeping with.
It's no longer a matter of personal choice.
Now we receive text messages and automated phone calls from local Government informing us the tide is high, Police block the road leading on and off the island, Emergency Medical Transport is on standby, Helicopters fly overhead taking photographs posting them on the Internet and the entire island is placed on "Lock down."
As a kid I fondly recall when the High Tide slams into the Sea Wall on the South end of the beach and waves of salt water splash high into the air and over the parking lot. Kids run though each passing wave that slams into the parking lot. Teenagers drove their cars under the splashing waves laughing and showing off for one another. Crowds of locals and vacationers collect to watch and laugh.
A few naysayers say, "That salt water's gonna ruin that paint job."
Otherwise a good time is had by all.
There were no Police, Ambulances, Media frenzy and if a fool kids wants to drive his car under a wave of salt wave splashing into the parking lot it's his own damn business.
Now we're a protected society functioning under the assumption that Government knows best! The vast majority are forced to comply with rules to protect the few who aren't capable of crossing the street without a flashing sign telling them when it's safe to walk and when it's not.
It's exacerbated of course by those who shoot guns in public places or drive cars into crowds during parades.
Today the Tybee Road is impassable and I'm not suggesting people go plowing through the High Tides just because they can.
I'm just remembering a simpler, more enjoyable island where kids play on Monkey Bars, Skateboard down the middle of Butler Avenue, jump off balconies into Hotel swimming pools and jump off Ft. Screven into the Sand Dunes ... when adults toss water balloons in the Beach Bum Parade, skinny dip in the Ocean and have hot dog roasts of the Beach.
These things are prohibited now because they're matters of Public Safety ... and ever encroaching Government which is always justifying it's growth and power.
It's a shame.
Then again, no one's ever confused Government with having fun.