Saturday, December 20, 2014

An Epifany from Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams stopped by the house.


That Sam Adams!

The one who started Bar Church ... with Gordo ... and Davy ... "Harmonicas for Hope" ... Pirate Worship ... Wenches sing Hymns ... orchestrated a "hostile takeover" of the Easter Sunrise Service on the Pier from the other Churches ... successfully conducted a ministry by making himself totally unavailable ... never answers his phone ... and was the coolest Dude on the island.

I'm talking "Big Lebowski" cool Dude.

"You look like a Republican," I say.

Petting Winston, The Little Gay dog, Sam smiles rubbing his fingers through his short Republican haircut.

He's still charismatic as Hell, flashing his Million dollar grin, looking as painfully happy as ever.

"God told me getting Sarah and you to take over Bar Church is the right thing," he grins.

"Let me ask you this," I say leaning forward, "why is it that God's always telling you stuff but hasn't said anything to Sarah or me?"

The One Million dollar grin becomes a Two Million dollar one.

"I gotta go," he says standing up.

"Of course you do," I answer standing up with him.

And we hug.

I love Sam.

I could kill him half-the-time but I sure as Hell love him.

He conducted Sarah and I getting married on the beach ... and when he wasn't obsessed with the sound system ... he did a great job ... except he was constantly obsessed with the sound system.

Thankfully Chuck Courtenay was there and took care of the sound.

Johnny O was there too but was pretty useless because ... somebody slipped him a "Mikey."

Then Sam left.

He's always an Epiphany.

BUT ... to steal a line from Jimmy Cochran ... sometimes people enter your life at just the right time ... for the just the amount of right time ... then they leave ... though you're forever changed ... because they were there.


That's a truth of life.

Samuel wants to come back one day ... I'm pretty sure God told him but hasn't told us yet ... it'll work out the way it's supposed to ... Sam will let us know.