Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Bane of My Existence

At our house ... Sarah's sick but's gone to work anyway.

Maddie, the 14 year old, is pretty exhausted and would like nothing more than to sleep except for the mountain of homework she now has in High School.

I'm not 100% with a ringing in my ear and a sore throat.

Goddess is aging gracefully but spends more time sleeping than she used to.

Winston, The Little Gay Dog, is battling with anger issues over the whole Kim Davis thing and the announced candidates for Tybee City Council.

Gypsy, the formerly Gender confused cat, has taken to marking everything his territory. I figure he's calculated the odds and believes he's going to out live everyone and everything will be his.

To top it off though, yesterday our lawn mower died.

It's a brand new lawn mower!

A month ago Sarah purchased it from Home Depot and I've cut the grass with it a total of 3 times!

Lawn mowers have always been one of the banes of my existence!

I've been cursed with an overabundance of bad lawn mowers and shouldn't be surprised this one's any different from the other POS's I've bought.

I believed since Sarah was the actual purchaser of this one ... she always does everything perfectly ... and the woman is always right ... she'd buy a lawn mower that would never die.

It could have been she was already getting sick and wasn't on her "A" game.

Perhaps it's Satan continuing to torment me with a freaking 2 cycle engine!

If I was a gun owner ... which I am not ... I'd shoot the Son-of-a-bitch ... multiple times ... in rage ... with a smile ... get arrested for firing arms in the back yard ... happily go to jail ... then Court ... where Home Depot is the first witness because of their shitty lawn mower!

Judge Sheer would have a more insidious experience than normal with Home Depot on the torture stand!

Oh well ... a perfect summer day is when the sun's shinning, an ocean breeze blows, the choir of cicada sing and the lawn mowers broke.

I just really want my girls to get better soon ... including Winston, TLGD ... so we can enjoy watching the grass grow together.


Maybe I'm blessed after all.