"He played real good for free ..."
It seems to be my life these days.
I write for free and give it away every day knowing it helps me and maybe you too.
I tell stories for free ... I don't preach because there's WAY too much preaching in the world already ... but I try to make uplifting points at Bar Church on Sundays at 10nish.
I actually do play music for free at Bar Church on Sundays at 10nish though I do my best to invite better musicians than me so there is a realistic possibility people will come back (that's you Roy Swindell).
I give away far too much free advice.
The vast majority of phone calls, private messages, texts and "Can I talk to you for a moment?" conversations in public places are people asking me for free advice.
I'm too nice a guy and give it away for free.
I've done lots of weddings for free.
Lots of funerals too.
I give away lots of time ... my own time ... or mine and Sarah's ... and the kids too ... to listen to somebody simply needing someone to talk with.
It's completely contrary to the way the world works.
Society expects me to make a buck ... put myself first ... get rewarded now ... ensure whatever I give away is far outweighed by what I get.
I've learned though that if you give people something ... they keep wanting more until you stop.
If you give them everything ... they will take it.
And it doesn't pay well ... monetarily or emotionally.
It's funny.
Everybody wants to be handsomely paid while asking things for nothing in return.
I suppose it really is true that "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."
The truth of the matter is I've got lots to lose if I don't redo this math.
I hate math but ... it is what it is ... and if you give away way more than you're receiving ... it's your own damn fault.