Holding my hand with both of hers, she says, "Don't worry Daddy. I protect you. I want you to live forever."
She pronounces it "bore-ebber."
Sarah, Che and I are taking the Winston The-Little-Gay-Dog, TLGD, for a walk and ... I have no recollection of the conversation but still feel her 3 year old hands on mine.
The conviction in her voice rings in my head.
"I will protect you."
She doesn't know yet how little we're capable of protecting in life.
If it's not the Coronvirus that does us in, it'll be a heart attack because of a Stock Market plunge, a piece of a satellite falls on us inexplicably from the sky, the person we love most suddenly leaves or we literally are bored to death during a sermon.
It reminds me the old Steven Wright joke.
"I plan on living forever! So far, so good."
And it has been good so far!
There's been some really bad spots yet here I am strolling with my lovely wife, TLGD and our love child who assumes things can always be like they are now.
Soon we'll teach her that just as every moment is a gift, so is every enjoyable situation or circumstance.
Nothing last forever.
Hell, nothing last for very long when you consider it.
It's best to make the most out of now and whatever that means for you.
If we do that then it'll be good.
And it'll get us further.