"Who's the black private dick whose a sex machine to all the chicks?"
"You're damn right!'
I love "Love Songs" and this one is a "Bad Mother!"
I've wanted to use that line to start a blog forever!!
It's one of the few songs where I can play drums.
It's all two hands on a cymbal and a foot on a pedal.
It took me forever to learn but I did and played it at the First Baptist Church of Port Wentworth, Georgia once where ... things didn't go too well.
Pastor "Fireball" Johnson simply could not "dig it" and kicked us out of the Sanctuary.
But Pastor Johnson was "a complicated man and no one understands him but his woman."
But I could dig it.
The First Baptist Church of Port Wentworth, Georgia certainly was NOT into "black private dicks" ... or black people in general at the time.
A few weeks later Pastor "Fireball" Johnson felt bad and invited us back to play again in the Sanctuary and this time I played guitar and sang ... with John Brewton on drums ... Jimmy Buffet's "Pencil Thin Moustache."
Pastor "Fireball" Johnson was not amused.
I remember him ripping out the sound system while quoting lots of Scripture.
God "called" him to another Church soon afterwards.
Making it funnier is ... I left soon afterwards and ended up in Seminary.
Yep ... I was willing to "risk my neck for brother man."
A lot's happened since then but ... when the drum solo to "Shaft" starts ... anywhere ... anytime ... my feet start to move and you can "Shut yo' mouth."
Perhaps it's because I'm a complicated man too.
You know ... the cat who won't cop out.
Can you dig it?