A kid's taking a science test and the extra credit question is "What is the strongest force on earth?"
She ponders for a moment, smiles and writes "Love."
The teacher marked it wrong with a slash of red ink.
I've seen a lot of red ink slashes in my life and they are not pretty sights.
Though in this case, like most every thing in life, of course, there's more than one right answer.
Gravity holds planets in place so it's at the top of the list.
Electricity holds atoms together making elements which end up making most everything else which is pretty powerful.
Water mixed with gravity can form tsunamis which is pretty overwhelming stuff too.
Any of these answers would likely have gotten at least partial credit but I'm with the little girl on this one ... love is most powerful thing on earth.
It could be because I am a hopeless romantic but I think it's mostly Sarah's fault who's love holds me in place, is electric and washes over me like a tsunami.
She combines three plausible correct answers into one which is pretty damn impressive.
That's not to say there are moments of doubt, fear, uncertainty, trepidation and frustration because we've mastered those too.
In fact, I wished we sucked much more than we do when it comes to doubt, fear, uncertainty, trepidation and frustration but ... if we were being graded we'd pass with flying colors (not red!).
So this is the funny thing.
Doubts, fears, uncertainly, trepidation and frustration kill most things ... relationships, good public policy, excellent academic thought, pristine theology, excellent nights on the town, sexual ecstasy or even hanging out with your friends.
But, hopeless romantic that I am, l think love really does conquer all.
Last night, long after my bed time, Sarah and I were having a "passionate" conversation.
I'm a terrible conversationalist after bed time but, as she's sitting there on the sofa making her points to me sitting on the floor, I can't help but notice the way a strand of hair falls over her brow and I think she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
I'm not quite sure what she was saying but ... damn she looks good!
Damn I love her.
I'm with the little girl on this one.
To hell with right answers!