The sun bubbles out of the ocean and hangs behind the Palm Tree with the Oyster smile, coconut bra and grass skirt giving me shade as I stare at the computer screen.
Goddess is laying on the Beloved Back Deck beside me peacefully slumbering.
Winston, the Little Gay Dog, is underneath the table with the umbrella and he's frustrated because I won't let him inside the house.
The sliding glass doors are shut to keep him away from Sarah who is sleeping. Were I to open the doors, he would spring up, dart inside, jump into the bedroom door so it opens and leap into bed with her. He adores Sarah but I want to let her sleep so he's mad and I don't care.
Inside the house is dark, ceiling fans twirl, and the windows are open.
Outside, birds sing, the slightest breeze blows from the sea so the blooming flowers dance.
A white moon fades behind me in a deep blue sky as the night comes to an end and a new day is born.
A squirrel slowly walks across the power line and I swear she smiles when she looks my way.
If you took a photograph of peace, it would look like this.
I've always loved the early morning. It's a time to contemplate and pray ... to make plans or find forgiveness ... to dream and to wait on them ... to come to life with the dawning day.
Goddess shifts and lays her head on my bare foot reminding me how much I love her.
Winston, the Little Gay Dog, notices and moves closer to me while keeping his eyes on the glass doors where Sarah sleeps.
The sun rises above the Palm Tree with the Oyster smile, coconut bra and grass skirt blinding me with brilliance.
The gift of a new day has been given to me.
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