And tan!
I only have one question upon returning to the good ol' US of A.
When did Alaska move to Florida? It was freaking 46 degrees in South Florida when we got off of the boat. I called upon The Lord repeatedly!!
"Hey God!! It's friggen cold!! Throw us a little hell for warmth will ya?"
So far God hasn't replied.
Other than homecoming temperatures, it was a hell of a trip. Sarah and I had fun, met new friends who would fit right in with the old ones, went to places we'd never been before and enjoyed new things!
Now it's back to work. There is so much to do after being away. Plus I'm back to also doubling as Mr. Mom throughout the week.
To help with this, the old friends have planned a new trip this weekend. Now I understand my son Jeremy, or J-Luv as he is known on Tybee, and my brilliant daughter-in-law Marie will also be there! This is great news indeed.
It warms my heart.
Now it's time to warm my tanned brown hands.
Sarah has both hands on the wheel and will be defenseless as I do so.
Ah, it's a good day that The Lord has made.