Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well, you may wonder how I write these things every day. I do too. Often I am inspired by the beauty of life here on Tybee Island, things that I’ve done with my friends, things that I’ve been fortunate enough to do, travels, where I live, and my wonderful dog Goddess. Sometimes God tells me what I should write and it’s important to do what God tells you to do. Stimulation sometimes comes to me in the middle of the night, crawling into bed with me and filling my senses. So I write from the heart and a lot of people seem to like it. So I keep searching for the inspiration to write which comes from everywhere. Then there is Dedra. “What should I blog about today?” I asked her last time that she was here. “Grapefruit,” she immediately replied. “What?” She repeated herself and I closed my eyes and Jimmy Buffett’s song “Grapefruit Juicy Fruit” popped into my head. We’d been out listening to Sam and Gordo play damn good live music the night before so I wrote about that and a hangover cure. So I should have known better than to ask her a second time. But I did. “Spam,” she said. “WHAT?” “Spam,” she repeated. So, I first remembered the last time that I ate Spam which was multiple decades ago. I think that we fried it. Then I did a You -Tube search for Monty Python’s original “Spam” skit and laughed as much this time as I did the first time that I saw it in college all of those years ago. I made Dedra watch it too which got us looking at their videos of “Philosophical Football” and “The Philosopher’s Song.” So we’ve spent the morning on the Beloved Back deck laughing our ass’s off. Finally I did a Google search for the lyrics to the “Spam” Song. Lovely Spam, wonderful Spam Lovely Spam, wonderful Spam Spa-a-a-a-a-m-m-m Spa-a-a-a-a-m-m-m SPA-A-A-A-M-M-M SPA-A-A-A-M-M-M LOVELY SPAM, LOVELY SPAM! As you can see, a lot of research goes into these daily musings. After gathering all of the background information necessary to produce a thoughtful and inspirational musing that hopefully is meaningful to others, I write. Sometimes I need the help of others and can always count on Mitch for obscure Celtic nonsense; Bill Berry (not the former drummer for R.E.M. but the other one that I went to Seminary with) or I just flat out steal something that Guy Sayles wrote (which begs a question … in business it’s called gaining competitive advantage but in school it’s called plagiarism!) Well, I’m done. It’s time for breakfast. Spam, eggs, bacon, spam and spam. Dedra’s having two helpings. Damn Her!