In the decades I worked in corporate homelessness, I attacked Mondays with a vengeance. I hated the bastard. I took weekends to formulate my plans and hit the ground running as soon as Sunday ended and the sun came up. I kicked Monday's ass!
Then I ran out of gas.
Monday started winning and it paid me back in full.
I've got scars to prove it.
I started to hate Monday as soon as Friday rolled around. A time for celebration turned into the beginning of three days of dread. Sunday evenings dripped sadness and when the sun rose, I was bone weary, drug myself out of bed and sleep walked through the day.
So for a few years, Monday totally dominated, sucking the joy out of me, making me fake happiness, professionalism and enthusiasm.
I didn't recognize it at the time but I was really telling myself that I should be doing something else.
I was too stubborn ... too stupid ... to listen to me so I kept at it and things just got worse.
Depending on how I look at it, either I crashed and burned ... or ... God intervened.
It really does depend on how we choose to look at things.
I left that world and then I didn't know what to do with Monday. Suddenly, it was like every other day ... time to enjoy and make something out of ... something to endure.
It was up to me.
Now, Monday's are a quiet time. I start them slowly. We're like dancers, uncertain of how to begin, tentatively placing one hand in the other before slipping into a rhythm. The work is every bit as intense and demanding but I'm doing things I love again. And I'm doing them with the person I love.
It's what defines the Monday. It's what defines every day.
If you're doing what you love ... with those you love ... it's going to be a good day.
But if you're not, then Mondays are horrible.
Just like every other day.
It's up to you.
October 2013 ♦ Embracing peace in your life! “You are one of the most tormented people I know,” she said. I was at the height of success, living at the beach, working in a beautiful city, having everything I thought I wanted…but she was right. I was miserable and didn’t know why. Then I decided to take a journey inside of myself. Life is too short and I deserved to happily celebrate my life. As much as I wanted to lay the blame at the feet of others, it was my own fault and I needed to know why I prevented myself from enjoying my life. I needed to find peace. And I did. You can find yours.
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