The thing about writing is you have to give it time.
I seem to find myself without much of that precious commodity right now.
In the biggest sense it's running out, running short or slowing down and in the shortest sense I find myself in a hurry to leave, to clean, to cook and to rest.
You can't do it all of course but we sure lie to ourselves and say we can.
For six years now I've poured my truths out virtually ever day and people took it or left it ... I learned to notice but not care too much.
Before that I told stories and said things in books which no one reads anymore but they exist to prove I was alive for anyone caring enough to know.
My greatest stories have yet to be written.
Luke Danger ... Che ... are real lives waiting to be created.
They already exists to me ... to Sarah ... they just haven't been born yet.
I've got to write them out, as our son Jeremy puts it.
Stories come in their time ... not in mine.
I've learned that through all this writing I've done.
In the meantime you find the time to wait until it's their time.