The first thing I notice is the fragrance of the perfumes from the Duty Free store on the International Concourse.
Immediately the travel molecule within
my DNA sniffs itself to full life and ... I'm gone again!
At this moment I'm sitting in a Pub in Cobh, Ireland singing, "Brandy you're a fine girl! What a good wife you would be."
I never met Brandy but I'm pretty certain this is where she lived and that song was written here.
God what a lovely little harbor town.
"Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCormick was filmed here so if you've read the book or seen the movie you know it's a quaint colorful little European village.
I know ... I know ... I live at the beach and am now halfway around the world in another beach town.
It's not my fault.
It's Sarah's!
It's my wife's birthday and otherwise I would never have come.
But dammit this is a happy little place!
Plus I'm wearing my Sam Adman's Bar Church Band tee shirt, blue jeans and flip flops ... styling like I normally do.
Birthday girl is upstairs sound asleep in bed.
I can't blame her.
It took the better part of two days to get here.
But it's time to get her up.
As much as I hate to leave this view ... and the company ... her eyes could steal a sailor from the sea.