"Are you going to cry when Goddess dies?" Laurel, Sarah's 10 year old asks.
"Of course," I say hugging Laurel and staring at our Golden Retriever with a bit of Boarder Collie and the sad honey eyes that makes her so special.
"I love Goddess most after you," she proclaims.
"I know you do," I answer ... though the truth is Sarah does.
And Goddess sure as Hell loves Sarah.
They have their own relationship.
Before we were all us ... Sarah and Goddess had a conversation about blending our families so we could get married and make a wonderful life.
Each gave the other their blessing and here we are!
Winston, The Little Gay Dog, came next when Sarah brought him home and Goddess loves him passionately ... almost as much as much she loves my wife.
Then Sarah decided we need a cat so she brought Gypsy home and ... I was shocked to learn that Goddess loves a cat ... now they have a magic relationship with each other.
In both instances she asked what I thought and I made the mistake of telling her ... "HELL NO!" ... but she did it anyway ... and she was right and I was wrong ... but now I can't imagine life without the little bastards.
Goddess rules the roost though Winston, TLGD, is such a Diva trying to insert himself as the center of the Universe ... and Gypsy the cat just is.
Religiously, I believe Goddess is an apathetic Pagan ... Gypsy's an uncaring Buddhist and Winston, TLGD ... worships Winston, TLGD, and Sarah.
Mondays are a sad day at our house.
Sarah's girls spend weekdays with their Dad and Sarah takes them to school as she takes herself to work.
The girls hug me and kiss me, tell me how they're going to miss me, how often they're going to call, and POOF! ... they're gone.
And Sarah's gone too.
I'm left alone with Goddess, Winston, TLGD, and Gypsy who are as shocked as I am at the silence.
I've taken to cleaning the girls rooms first thing on Monday morning and the dogs and the cat do it with me.
We take our time.
It was a great weekend ... though we create our own trauma like most families do ... but when push is shoving ... I wish they were all still home.
Gypsy continuously runs between my legs as I think these things.
Winston, TLGD, stands on his hind legs begging.
Goddess licks my leg and sits under my feet.
They follow me to the Beloved Back Deck so I can start work ... leaving a pissed off cat on the other side of the sliding screen door.
"Alright kids," I say to them. "Mom will be home later today."
Goddess cocks her head one side listening ... Winston, TLGD, eyes me suspiciously ... and Gypsy claws the screen desperately trying to break out.
"And the girls will be home on Friday."
And we all wish it was Friday.