"Well you know everybody," Sarah says getting dressed.
"I knew Dick because of my folks," I reply making up the bed.
Dick Smith died yesterday and I've known him for so long I have a hard time pinpointing a time when I didn't know him.
He was funny in debonair sort of way.
Classy humor with an undercut of lazier focused satire!
"Are you out of your frigging mind?" I asked him once in the Tybee Post Office.
Dick had announced he was running for City Council.
"I wish I would have done this a long time ago," he replies ... then grins and agrees, "Yes I've lost my freaking mind."
He won ... then he lost ... but he never stopped sharing his freaking mind.
We were rarely together but there was a great fondness we shared when we were.
Today's the Beach Bum Parade which somehow seems fitting as a send off for Dick. Have a good time but keep it clean! Wash you sins away while laughing. Make fun at Government control.
A parade of people are marching before me ... lining up to greet Dick in Heaven ... Roma is of course at the front of the line though David Ring is jostling for position with her as they laugh ... Steve Hendricks is flashing his sly grin and shaking his head ... Dean's holding a beer to hand over ... Dirty Dan is going to pop out of a cake wearing a thong ... Chicago Bob is crooning ... Trolley Joe is sitting in the driver's seat ready to take everybody to God ... and Bruce Bohme is saying to Dean, "PLA-EEE-ZZZ-EEE! You didn't bring enough beer."
My Dad's standing there too greeting his old friend.
Here's to you my friend Dick Smith!
Enjoy our other friends!
We're all going to have one Hell of a party when we're together again.
Now you're part of the planning committee.