Friday, October 24, 2014


Goddess has just been crazy affectionate for the past couple of days.

Starting before the sun's up she licks my hand hanging off the side of the bed.

Crawling out from under the covers our Golden Retriever with a bit of Boarder Collie follows me downstairs to the outdoor shower, plops on the porch and waits.

Upstairs in the dark, I dress while Goddess anticipates the treat she gets when I make my way for coffee at The Breakfast Club.

When I return she's so excited because it's time for more treats and to go outside that she practically dances across the floor.

Winston, The Little Gay Dog, stays in bed with Sarah.

I grab treats and throw them on the deck and Goddess happily rushes out.

Later Goddess lovingly watches as Sarah has coffee and throws her pieces of her breakfast and when my wife leaves for work Goddess blocks her way on the landing ... not wanting her to go at all.

In the afternoon, Goddess, Winston TLGD, and I sit outside waiting on Sarah's return and the dogs ears perk up the moment they sense her car turning down our street.

Winston TLGD rushes out to ride in with Sarah and though Goddess is equally excited she waits by me until the car door opens.

In the evening Winston TLGD snuggles with Sarah on the sofa and Goddess has taken to growling and slamming her body into mine demanding affection.

I give her all she wants.

She is special.

Why is it that dogs get to live such a short number of years but still die old?

Today when I woke, I started my routine and as Goddess followed me around I stopped, slid down on the kitchen floor and she laid her head in my lap.

We just sat there in the dark giving and taking love equally.

"Are you going to cry when Goddess dies?" Laurel, Sarah's 10 year old asks ... and I can't comprehend an answer.

I can't imagine life without her.

She's growing old fast ... her coat is white ... she slid down the stairs yesterday rushing out to wait on Sarah ... she can't do things she used to do.

"Hey," I softly say so as to not wake Sarah, sitting in the kitchen floor with Goddess' head in my lap, "Thank you. I love you. I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

She sighs heavily then reaches up to kiss my face.