"A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel is crying for her children and there is no one to comfort her because they are no more."
Sadly, it's part of the Christmas story.
As Jesus was born the Government ordered the massacre of children so as not to disrupt things. Babies were slaughtered just because one had been born. A rumor spread by three Orientals who came looking for the new King who was just born started it all.
The guys got wise and left before all hell broke loose.
Joseph had a dream to get the hell out of there too. So he packed his family up again and hawed ass.
Then babies were killed. Government enabled it to happen.
This Christmas it's all happened again. Sadly this time there is nothing apocryphal about babies being slaughtered. There are no wise men to prevent it from happening. No dreams from God warned parents to flee.
Government policy allows for anyone to own an automatic weapon and funding for people with mental disorders has been slashed to hell. (NOTE: This is applicable to killers who happen to be white. Obviously white killers have a mental disorder. Black killers are just killers.)
Just like then, the search for Jesus yields no results. There is only weeping and great morning. Mothers and Fathers are crying for their children and there is no one to comfort them.
Perhaps this year's Christmas story will end like the first one did. New children were born and Jesus came home. Life went on. The years passed quickly and the next thing you know Jesus is twelve. Then in the blink of an eye, he's thirty. Three short years later, he's slaughtered too.
This Christmas has the eerie beginning of the first Christmas. A great deal happened after the innocents were slaughtered. Some of it was holy ... a great deal wasn't.
Today I pray that we've learned a lot in 2000 years but right now I'm not so sure.