Sunday, October 25, 2015

Great Defining Quotes of my Life!

"Hell is portable. You take it with you wherever you go" (Dr. Guy Sayles).

We were in College and it was cold. I was ready to move to Florida and get away from grey skies, cold wind and the necessity for layers of clothing when Guy looks at me and utters these words. It's such truth, I've never forgotten them and use them often. Guy went on to become America's greatest Pastor and I'm still wanting to move much further south.

"Everybody's a whore. The question is who is your Pimp?" (Dr. Larkin Rossiter).

"If your Pimp's not Jesus, then you're in trouble," Larkin goes on to say. He's preaching at the Jefferson Street Baptist Chapel where I'm employed as the "Professional Christian" and regularly take advantage of the large number of Seminary students who attend. Larkin is preaching away when he utters these words.  The five little old ladies in the Church are aghast but everyone else thinks it's hilarious! And it's true, every one's a whore for something.

Professor Kingsfield: "Mr. Hart, here is a dime. Take it, call your mother, and tell her there is serious doubt about you ever becoming a lawyer."

James T. Hart: [pause, as he is leaving the room] "You... are a son of a bitch, Kingfield!

Professor Kingsfield: "Mr. Hart! That is the most intelligent thing you've said today. You may take your seat."

It's from the movie "The Paper Chase" which had a profound impact on my view of academic institutions and learning to tell good teachers from bad teachers. By the time I got to Seminary, I figured it was best to start each class by calling the Professor a son of a bitch! If I was allowed to remain in my seat I learned a lot. If I was kicked out, it was probably wasn't worth learning.

"No matter where you go, there you are" (Buckaroo Banzai).

It doesn't get much truer that! Regardless of wherever I went, I found myself there. Still do.

"You weren't ready for me then" (Sarah Elliott).

Describing why it us so long to fall in love, marry and live this wonderful life. We've known each other a long time but were married to different people then. Now that things are so good I often wish we would have started sooner. My wife then explains why it didn't happen that way.

"And in the end, the love you make is equal to the love you make" (The Beatles).

It's so profound and simple. I think it's so true too and it's how I try to live. You should too.

You can quote me.