Yesterday City Alderman Van Johnson stated "The bad part is we have people come here from all over the world that visit here. And so sometimes we shoot ourselves in our own foot by creating that alarmist reality."
He was referring to the Press reporting the news that 24 people were shot in a month.
The damn liberal press had 24 separate stories on the 24 different people who were shot.
That's just not right!
But I'm here to help.
The city's population is 140,000 and the Savannah Police Department proudly boasts this means less than 0.007% of people living in the City were actually hit.
Conversely this means you have almost a 100% change of NOT BEING SHOT when you're in the City (99.003%).
Of course this does not factor in the number people shot at, number of shots fired or the number of misfires.
No such records are kept but, like the Savannah Police Department, lets try to keep things in perspective.
Assuming most people shooting guns within City limits or not at a City approved facility ... are high, drunk, pissed off beyond belief and just plain stupid ... we can safely conclude the following:
- They miss their target 90% of the time, meaning that approximately 2,160 shots were fired last month hitting no one.
- Assuming the majority fired multiple shots (for example 3) we can safely conclude that 713 people were targets ... but THE GOOD NEWS IS this means only 0.005% people are actual hit in Savannah at any given time!
- Again assuming the majority of perpetrators are indeed "high, drunk, pissed off beyond belief or just plain stupid", it is safe to conclude the percentage of misfires is ridiculously high (say 80%) meaning the chances of being missed when shot at in Savannah is 99.9%
Where is Bill Cathcart when we really need him?
Come on people! 24 people actually shot out of 140,000 is not too shabby!
Bill Cathcart would keep all this is its proper perspective.
Until God raises another Bill Cathcart, I do think Alderman Van Johnson shouldn't go shooting his mouth off.
Because you know the damn liberal media will report on that too.