"My time with you has come to an end..." he says, crossing his left leg over his right, "there is nothing left for me to do for you right now..."
We sit in silent shock as he is filling out the referral back to the oncologist.
I do not think either of us thought about this news in our journey.
All I can do is look at his hands.
Hands that held my husbands life in them---- three different times.
Hands that removed cancer, removed organs and rearranged my honeys inside so that he could still be here.
He skirted hospital protocol so I could visit with my honey after ten hours of surgery.
He said "I'll take care of that too..." when others claimed "inoperable."
He called us on the weekend to share the latest results.
He answered his cellphone every time we called.
He listened as we asked loads of questions.
He printed out things before I asked because he knew I would want to add them to my "Mike's care notebook."
He showed up when nurses said "surgeons don't come in here."
He made us feel special.
And he shared his own story with us, as he added chapters to ours.
"I feel like he just broke up with us!" I whisper to Mike.
Who knew breaking up with your surgeon would be so sad!?!
But thank you Chris for giving me more time with my honey here.
And I hope to never see you again.
Unless we stumble upon you dancing in the streets of Miami.
~!written by Sarah Elliott