I think it's pretty obvious I do my best to live a transparent life.
Transparency means operating in a way so it's easy for others to see what you're doing because ... it's just easier.
I believe in easy.
People propping up false pretenses ... portraying themselves as someone besides who they really are ... working at a job they hate ... living with someone they don't love ... going along with whatever the majority believe ... sucking up to stay ahead ... making yourself do things you really don't want to ... to the same thing until they ... die.
I don't know but it strikes me as a lot of extra work!
I'd rather just be me and go ahead and let everybody else know who me is.
You'd be surprised at how much trouble you can in for simply being yourself!
Believe me ... I've been in lots of trouble ... but when all's said and done it's worth it.
I think we get ourselves in trouble for excellent reasons ... primarily we want to get away from whoever it is getting us in trouble.
I believe it's easier to simply live as you really are and surround yourself with those who don't mind.
If you're as lucky as me, you're surrounded by those who love you in spite of yourself.
Sitting here naked on the Beloved Back Deck listening to the "Top 100 from 1972" ... I watch an Eagle land on the wooden fence separating our yard from our neighbors.
We have new neighbors and while we've waved ... we haven't had an actual conversation.
I've tried to start a few but ... they're busy living their lives.
When the Eagle shits in their yard before flying off ... I think he's saying something to me ... and leaving a message for our new neighbors.
I take a picture and text it to Sarah.
I also take it as a sign from God.
We're doing something right.
And I wouldn't want to be in their yard right now.