I love my outdoor shower!
Every morning I give Sarah a squeeze and crawl out of bed leaving her sleeping to stumble down the staircase, through the porch that leads to the wooden walkway to the outdoor shower.
This is no small feat as I live with 4 girls, Goddess who is a girl and Winston, the little gay dog. Luckily the girls are asleep so they don't see me. Goddess doesn't care because she knows the routine though Winston, the little gay dog, prances down the stairs behind me goggling at me.
The Cat Lady next door is quiet though she leaves her lights on all night. As the day dawns they still burn but the house is silent and still.
It's a real burst to my self-esteem when choirs of birds burst into song as I stumble outside. It just makes me feel good about myself. I don't even suck my stomach in or anything. They love me just as I am.
On the wooden shower door is a yellow sun wearing sunglasses and smiling. Written below reads ...
Showers - $1
To Watch - $2
With me - $5
Inside I turn the water on and look towards the beach. Through Fran's thousand shades of green I surmise what kind of day its going to be. The shower rains down upon me as Cicadas sing their song and I take my time lathering up and waking up.
It started when I was in St. Martin. There I stumble from the bed to the Bay to fall face forward into the teal blue waters. If the Trade Winds are high, I open the kitchen door and take an outdoor shower. It's a completely different culture there so others are standing under their outdoor showers at the same time I am.
"It's a wonder a wonderful shower in the neighborhood, a wonderful day for a neighbor!" sang the person showering in the tiny studio beside the one I was staying.
Returning to Tybee Island I resolved to perfect my outdoor shower so I could continue the practice and have never looked back!
So ... I tell you that so I can tell you this.
It's Friday!
Get Naked!
Have a party!
Showers On Dude!