I'm sipping coffee.
He's snoring.
The Hotel lobby is festive, a full breakfast bar steams, soft music plays as employees cheerfully wish everyone "Good Morning."
He is balled up in a chair in an alcove behind a column where no on can see him.
No one except me.
Leaving a room full of sleeping girls, I grab my lap top and head for the coffee.
After years of travel I established routines I still maintain; rising early, head to the common area for coffee and time to collect my thoughts, pray and write. To do this I find a corner of the room, away from the televisions, loud families, bleary eyed partiers and laughing business people.
I'm lost in thought and suddenly find myself wondering why the music is snoring?
It takes me a full minute longer to start looking around and ... there he is.
The lobby is filling up and is getting loud covering up his noisey slumber.
From his vantage point, no one can see him unless they walk between my table and him.
It is cold outside.
Certain the cheerful employees will be horrified if he's discovered, I pull my chair ... and the table slowly towards him so that whoever comes this way must encounter me first.
The Holiday season is upon us and I can at least give this poor guy a warm place to sleep for a little while.