He's all smiles lugging his guitar and microphone stands inside Benny's where I'm moving Bar stools and tables to clear the stage to set up the sound system.
"What can I do to help? Eric asks though he already knows I've got the routine down to a science so he busies himself setting up his space.
The door opens as David pulls a speaker on wheels for his bass guitar.
"Good morning," he says with an Impish smile, plugging in at the back of the stage.
Gordo strolls in without speaking, lays a suitcase of harmonicas on the bar, hands over a wireless to connect to the sound system and begins to make ready.
I ask Eric to run through his songs and as he does, I meander around the Bar making sure the sound system's doing it's job.
Monty stumbles in wearing sunglasses, looking like he just woke up, immediately plugs his guitar into the board and plays.
Mary shuffles around the bar making coffee, decorating the Pool tables, arranging food for the Pot Luck, lighting candles before taking her stool at the end of the bar.
Tommy and Margaret rush in carrying a Stratocaster guitar, fiddle, harmonica, Dobro and a speaker which he plus in taking a seat in front of the stage.
For the next 10 minutes we follows Monty through a Jam until everyone's fully awake, can move our fingers with ease and sing without cracking voices.
Chip opens the door and I instantly start unplugging things because he's bringing a better sound system so, as everyone stands in place, he adds a monitor, replaces the board and plugs everyone back in, including himself as our lead guitarist.
Davy appears out of nowhere playing the drums.
A person or two meander in early for worship, take a seat and listen to practice.
This is my favorite part of Bar Church.
The coming together of musicians and others, each bearing the gift of themselves and their talents to become part of something bigger than who they are individually ... becoming a band ... but more than that, transforming each other into creators of joy.
"Do this in remembrance of me," Jesus asked at the Last Supper, and at Bar Church we do a bit more than remember ... Band members mold themselves into something new ... re-membering themselves into the body of Christ ... with guitars, harmonicas and drums.
There's always a moment when we're starting to come together and part of it's captured in this video.
It's what Holiness looks like being born.
Are you seriously wondering? It's only Monday.
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