Sunday, July 5, 2015

I'm An Unprofessional Christian

Like Pastors across the country I'm getting my game face on.

Most are "Professional Christians" getting paid for what they ask others to do for free whereas I lose money on the whole thing.

I suppose that makes me a Semiprofessional Christian.

Plus I don't wear a robe ... a suit ... a tie ... pants ... or shoes.

Definitely I'm an Unprofessional Christian.

I don't preach either.

There's W.A.Y. too much preaching in the world already and I refuse to be a contributor.

Preaching often leads to Judgment and there's W.A.Y. too much of that too.

Besides it's not a Pastors job to Judge.

That's in God's job description ... not ours.

Then again lots of Pastors think they are God ... Can you say Joel Olsteen? ... or T.D. Jakes ... or Oral Roberts?

Which reminds me of a joke ... Oral Roberts started his own record company but had to close it ... the hole in the middle of the disk kept healing over.


I just love that.

But I digress.

I don't preach but I do tell stories.

And we play lots of music.

"Every service," our friend Derick explained a few weeks ago, "should start with a Bob Dylan song."

That's pretty good advice more Pastors should hear.

Now don't get me wrong!

I don't know how but Holiness happens at our Church ... it's could be the Dylan music or the Potluck breakfast spread out on the Pool Tables ... but it's probably the people who attend.

They're nuts!

In the best sense of the word!

A few dress up but most are flip floppers.


I'm psyched up and ready to ... not be in charge.

That's not in my job description.

It's in God's.

But first I've got to make Cinnamon Rolls for the girls.
