I've got a boat load of stories.
It's a cargo ship filled with them neatly packed in containers ready to be stored away unless I want one for some reason or another.
Sometimes I tell them because something's happened to remind me of one or they're useful as an analogy to something I feel at the moment.
In the catalogue of things I share they are by far the minority because I'm very focused on the things happening around me.
I mean life's pretty rich with Sarah, three little girls, older kids with their own families, Goddess, a Little Gay Dog, a gender confused cat, a drunk-chain-smoking-anorexic Guardian Angel, a neighbor who collects feral cats and the overall chaos of characters living on Tybee Island!
There's plenty of material to keep me current.
Besides Sarah doesn't care for the old stories.
"They're the past," she says. "Let's make new ones!"
And we are which is reflected in most of what I share.
Besides since 1987 when my first book was published right up until yesterday's blog, I've already shared most of the old stories.
Occasionally a new one is raised from the dead or I like one so much I'm compelled to share it again from today's perspective ... but for the most part it's about what's happening now.
I've been around a long time now ... been to lots of places ... met tons of people ... done lots of things.
They've been good days and bad days and going-half-mad days.
Sometimes they pop into my head to make me laugh or cry but ... to paraphrase my son Jeremy ... I've already written it out of me.
It really is great to not carry the burdens of the past around because I've already given them away and shared them with the world.
I certainly like NOW better than THEN ... in fact I LOVE THE NOW!
But there are some old stories that I like every once in a while too.
Though I don't want to do them again ... I've already done them once ... I'd rather do something else now.