Something strange has happened this week and I’m trying to figure out how it got started. I think that it all began with the people that I went to college with then we took several decades off from one another before reconnecting on Face Book then collecting at my house last summer. While our lives took us all in different directions each of us retained an incredibly warped sense of humor.
So Mitch, who is the most serious of us, would post some status update, typically some obscure Celtic nonsense, and the rest would kidnap it. We would go on and on making fun of Mitch, world events, major religions and obscure Celtic nonsense. We mostly kept it to ourselves.
Then these friends met my Tybee friends and it was like Cheech meeting Chong. Spontaneous Combustion! Lots more laughter! And we all took to posting on one another’s post.
Then childhood friends from Port Wentworth decided to get involved as West Siders are known to do!
Then they all gathered forces and started kidnapping my blogs this week. It started with Spam, worked through Rain and obliterated Hate. This was accomplished by introducing nudity, tube socks, establishing a contest over the number of people responding to what I wrote (137 and counting), obscure Celtic nonsense, and now … a chicken.
I got nothing against Chicken. One of my most recent most pleasurable experiences was at K.F.C. It was like being a baby in Baby Land! I loved it! I suppose you could say that I was romancing the chicken.
But I digress.
Aside from writing about Spam, everything else that I’ve written this week has been serious. It has been from the heart and soul. I’ve explored my dreams and fears and even bad experiences that I somehow got through.
My friends didn’t care!
Except for Mitch, who is the most serious of us all. He consistently responded by posting obscure Celtic nonsense.
Everybody else … decided to collectively kidnap my blogs! It’s gotten out of hand.
A blog about rain and losing power turns into the fact that I need to learn to use a cane in the dark! A blog about Hate suddenly involves “nekkid”, loaded guns, whipped cream and a tube sock.
Suddenly my friend Valerie, an award winning nationally recognized nurse, wants to meet the above friends. That frightens me. If that should happen, God knows … Floyd Adams and Pig Jones will start joining in. Jack Kingston, who once sang “The Fish Cheer” on the floor of Congress might do it on my blog! Roma might actually get on the Internet! Keller Deal will start showing again. And God Jenny Orr who already has a goat and horse that thinks it’s a dog will get a chicken.
Wait a minute! My friend Chela already has chickens!
You see what I’m saying. This could all get out of hand.
Because I’ve never been a big believer in following rules this is hard for me to say. For the sake of keeping us from all being thrown off of Face Book, I think that we need to stay on topic when I blog.
I’ve said it.
Everybody enjoy today and my blog.
Thank you.