Sometimes you find yourself working beside an asshole.
While it's not politically correct to say such a thing ... it is often the honest truth.
The Bible teaches the truth shall set you free.
No one ever ... well other than elected officials ... has proclaimed political correctness will.
You have to stand up for the truth though and I'm doing it right now ... even though my Mom is really going to give me Hell for using the word "Asshole" for public consumption.
"You're better than that," she will tell me for the thousandth time.
"Mom," I'll answer, "you also taught me 'It is what it is"."
"True," she will say.
Now that Mom's out of the way ... and elected officials could care less about the truth ... let's move on to the "Assholes."
On the surface they like you and are your best friend, lavishing you with praise, wanting to hang out after work, share personal secrets, swear allegiance and promise you to always be there for you.
An overwhelming number of assholes are very religious people.
As are a majority of elected officials.
The thing is they don't deliver on much, leaving you hanging because you believe in them ... take them at their word ... and give them more than they give themselves.
It's sad so many "enable" assholes to be assholes because they're afraid of telling the truth, are politically correct, believe God wants you to show them love by accepting their "assholeness" or are simply too unsure of themselves to risk losing a "friend."
You know, John the Baptist calls such people 'brood of vipers" or ... in today's vernacular ... "lower than a snake's ass."
Anyway, whenever you find yourself working with, sleeping beside, sharing a home or a Church pew ... it's best to tell it like it is.
The truth will set you free.
Because life is too short to endure mean spirits hiding behind dashing smiles.
So choose truth and say it out loud.
It'll make you feel better.
Leave the asshole to Jesus.