If you've never been to Congress to actually see how pompous our legislators are, you haven't missed much.
They're all terrible!
I know many of you think your particular Senator or Congressperson is the exception to the rule and is honest and helps when you call. Individually they are probably nice people. Collectively they are arrogant investors into themselves and their reelection. It's all they really care about.
I've spent lots of time in Congress rushing past the permanently placed News stations so that every damn one of them can get on television to explain why they know what's best.
I've sat in their tiny waiting room, staffed by interns, and learned the place is really like Baskin Robbins. You take your number, wait your turn and the benevolent member of the Elect bestows upon you your request. Then ... you go to the back of the line. (A Congressman actually explained it to me this way!)
I've sat at $500 a plate breakfast meeting (mine was paid by someone else) for bacon and eggs and the privilege of being one of twenty to have audience with the Senator as he briefed us on what's wrong with the opposing party and how he knows best.
I was invited to their "Faith Based Summits" which is a grandiose philandering of votes and endorsements of religious leaders who gladly prostitute themselves in the name of the Lord and political favors.
Like the rest of us, I've spent the past several days watching them create a fiscal cliff (there was no such thing a few short months ago), broker deals to break them, and position themselves as Saviors on crosses they built themselves.
It's just disgusting.
Those people we keep electing are disgusting.
After almost thirty years of regularly playing on Capitol Hill, the last few have been spent on more important things ... love, children, celebrating with friends who really are good, music and simple prayers.
The biggest political controversy on Tybee Island are some coyotes running around. Half the island thinks they're cute and the other really doesn't care.
But right after Joe, Mitch and John finished screwing each other behind close doors and then gleefully announcing they'd saved us yet again, it switched to the local news.
And there was local Councilman Bill talking about how dangerous the coyote problem has become and how they city is going to address the issue.
Turning the television off, there's was nothing to do but one more prayer and go to bed.
"God, my ass hurts. Please make them stop."