It ended up being the craziest of days, full of incredible highs that led to emotional crashes that were as unexpected as they were unwanted.
"How did happen?" I kept asking myself.
But it did though I still can't find any rational reasons. Sometimes life is like that ... there are no rational reasons, Dr. Spock is back on Vulcan and he took logic with him.
"Beam me up Scotty! It's nuttier than hell down here! Get me out now cause I'm really sure how I got here in the first place."
It started with my neighbors I guess. One collects feral cats a living and walks outside throughout the day screeching, "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!" ... again and again and again ... it helps me to appreciate and understand ... violence.
Then my neighbors on the other side decided that now is a good time to replace the singles on their roof. In and of itself that's fine, but the problem was Rebekah and I were on the beloved back deck (a.k.a. Corporate Headquarters) having a conference call with people scattered throughout the world on my cell phone because ... I live on an island and the only place I have reception is on the back deck.
So Rebekah and I are having ear fights to see who can hear. I'm running the meeting. She's taking minutes. We're both doing our best to hear what is being said.
Of course this is complicated because of the "BAM, BAM, BAM" of the nail guns and the "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!" of a grown woman in cat fur laden bathroom with toilet paper in her hair. Then the generator from the nail gun kicks in and then Rebekah would get her ear laying the tiny little speaker of my cell phone and rapidly take minutes. Then my ear would throw her ear off and I would bark "Next agenda item".
Rebekah is from the mountains of North Georgia and I'm sure wrestled pigs or something growing up so she's got her "pig ears" throwing mine off again. This lasted for three hours.
Did I mention it was hot?
I don't have a dress code in corporate headquarters so Rebekah is wearing a bikini and I have on black running shorts and nothing else. Our ears are sweaty making it more difficult to maneuver for hearing ... and the bitch is strong.
Anyway ... we eventually make it through the meeting and everything that I wanted ... I got ... so I'm jumping up high fiving myself ... cause I kicked Rebekah's sweaty pig eared self out of the office (a.k.a. the beloved back deck) as soon as the meeting was over.
Then there were the after calls. Every single Board member had to have a private conversation with me after we had all just had sweaty public conversation with each other. (I have a vague recollection that Scotty beamed Dedra in for second while this was happening but then he beamed her right out.)
Then it got dark. And days can go to shit in the dark. And it did.
I am a big believer in angels and second chances. "The movement you need is on your shoulder," Paul McCartney told Julian Lennon.
I'm back on the back deck this morning. Over my left shoulder, in a deep blue sky is a three-quarter moon. To my right, blazing through a Palm Tree with an oyster face, coconut bra, and grass skirt is the sun.
"It's all OK," I tell myself. "I know what I love."
Then this frigging generator kicks in ... and a "BAM, BAM, BAM" of a nail gun starts blasting ... then this bitch in a dirty robe walks on her deck screeching "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!" Then a lawn mower cracks from my other neighbor.
And I have embraced violence.
(I'll be really happy when eight more days is over and I have time off for the things that I love most.)
In the meantime ... REBEKAH! Bring it on!