Saturday, October 17, 2015

More Great Questions

Inquiring minds want to know! ... Sleepless minds like to meander ... Idle minds remain in neutral ... Curious minds contemplate killing cats ... Great minds think alike ... BUT MY MIND ponders the Universe's greatest questions!

"Who put the bob in the bopshoobobshoobop?"

I don't know but I'd really like to thank the guy.

"Who wrote the Book of Love?"

Again I Have no idea. Could have dropped from Heaven for all I know.

"Should I stay or should I go?"

I have to ask Darlin'.

"How much is that little Doggie in the window?"

The truth is I could care less. We already have Goddess and Winston, The Little Gay Dog, and Gypsy, the formerly gender confused cat  and we don't need another dog!

"What's the frequency Kenneth?"

I need some Benzedrine before I can even start considering the answer.

"Do you believe in life after love?"

Well, I can feel something inside of me say there is but I really don't think you're strong enough.

"Who's that Lady?"

She's one beautiful Lady! A real fine Lady! I would dance upon a string with any gift she would bring. As a matter of fact, I'd love to take her home! Oh wait, I already did.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ... I can't even wrap my brain around that one.

Are there others I'm forgetting?