A little before five o'clock I crawl out of bed and stumble outside to the Beloved Back Deck. Goddess immediately jumps up and follows me. Winston, the little gay dog, takes this as his cue to take my place, jumps into the bed and snuggling with Sarah who is soundly asleep.
The black sky is ablaze with stars casting enough light that I see the leaves of Fran's thousand shades of green. The red, purple, pink and orange blooms on the plants glow in praise. The choir of cicada sing their endless hymn of praise.
I plop down in my chair and cross my feet on the railing.
"Hey God," I say out loud, "I need to tell you a few things."
In the distance waves break on the beach.
"So I got some friends who need a little looking after right now. They're going through some tough shit. One is sick and broke. She ain't got a dime and can't afford the debt of getting well."
The choir of cicada soften to a hum.
"Matter of fact God, I got several friends in the same boat. It's a boat full of leaks," and I laugh at the analogy.
It grows lighter and I can easily make out the outlines of our neighbor's homes.
"Anyway, Nancy and Amy just lost their Mommas and that really sucks. They are devastated. I understand how much they hurt. Thanks for my Dad and tell him I miss him. And I'm really glad my Mom still tells me what to do all of the time even though I don't listen to her."
A shooting star flames across the sky disappearing behind a purple cloud.
"And I got a bunch who are pretty disgusted at how quiet you been. They're really needing a little something from you right now. Can you please throw a little love their way?"
Goddess heavily sighs and I scratch her head in silence. She licks my hand and my hearts erupts with love for her.
"And Kristen's going throw some crazy stuff right now so look after her OK?"
Scratches on the glass door demand my attention and I see Winston, the little gay dog, wanting to join us. Reaching my arm backwards around my head I slide it open and he prances out.
"Anyway, I know you're busy and stuff but they're all really hurting right now. Bless 'em. OK? Nobody deserves shit like that."
The choir of cicada stop and the silence is deafening.
"Thanks God," I mumble feeling overwhelmed by the holiness of it all.
Standing, I take one final look around.
Goddess immediately jumps up waging her tail.
Winston, the little gay dog, watches me.
"Hey," I say before I turn, "thank you for Sarah. I don't know what I would do ..."
Goddess scratches the door and I stop talking.
Turning, I open it and the dogs rush inside so I follow and crawl back in bed with her.
"Oh yeah," I whisper after getting the pillows right.
And I sleep like a baby.
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