Every single night, Winston, the Little Gay Dog (TLGD), prances into our bed room, lithely jumps on the bed and snuggles next to Sarah, fur touching skin.
It's repulsively erotic.
After licking himself, he balls up beside her bare back, falls asleep and purrs like a Pussy Cat.
Goddess sleeps on the floor in the doorway protecting us from whatever she fears may come in the night. She snores loudly and Winston, TLGD, ever-the-Diva, snarls with his eyes closed but Goddess could care less.
She's stoned.
Sarah can sleep through nuclear explosions, unless one of her girls whimpers or rolls over, then she bolts upright while some radar sensors beam through walls making certain her "little Blessings" are alright before immediately falling back into a deep sleep.
On the other hand, I could fall out of bed, hit the floor, burst into spontaneous combusted flames and she wouldn't even roll over.
That's our nights.
Every night.
Winston, TLGD, typically is staring at me when I open my eyes and the little Son-of-a-Bitch, and I mean that literally, yawns in my face.
He's having another of his "Cher" moments.
So I reach into the dresser Drawer, pull out the baggie with his balls inside and wave them in front of his face.
Sarah moans so I quickly put them back in the drawer.
Goddess is wide awake now wanting a snack.
Throwing Winston, TLGD, out of bed I snuggle with my wife.
He snarls.
I flip him the finger and snuggle Sarah tighter.
He licks himself then puts on a black sweater vest with pink words that read, "U R Why I Am GAY."
He smiles and prances away.
That's pretty much our wake up routine every day.
It's repulsively erotic.
What's your wake up routine?
Interested in more deep, inspiring writing? Check out my new book "Sandy Bottoms & Duct Taped Hearts" at www.meellc.com/newbook