Thursday, November 24, 2022

Turtles in trees


I am thankful for Turtles in trees and other things that shouldn't be but are somehow, though I don't know how. 

I'm grateful to simply be here, defying the odds or living a miracle I struggle to understand because I'm often too distracted. 

"Love is all around me," as the old song goes, "and so the feeling grows," as evident by the growing pains we struggle through as we fight to hold on to hope for so many things. 

It is Sarah who magically bends realities to keep our little protective bubble of a world working in a world and economy still ravished by a pandemic. Every day she does something that amazes me and I am most blessed to be her husband.  

Every single day is revolutionary at our house because our "Love Child" challenges our exhaustion with curiously, joyfully, celebrating everything about living. 

"What does that mean?" Che's constantly asking these days so Sarah and I explain lots of words and concepts, discovering new understandings together.  

I'm astonishingly shocked at the lengths people who love me go to demonstrating in small ways and large that I'm worthy somehow which is nothing short of miraculous!

I'm shocked at everything I've gotten to do in life! You wouldn't believe it if I told you and, Lord knows I love a story but the best ones are being lived now as a Sarah, Che and I explore life's deepest places together. 

I'm beyond grateful for the beauty of the earth. A sliver of white moon hanging in a deep blue sky takes my breath away every time I'm witness. The intoxicating aroma of the Marshes, salt water on dry skin, the warmth of the Sun and the majesty of island living excite me now more than ever!

The plan is to keep doing what we're doing now until we can't anymore.  

So far, so good. 

Like turtles in trees and other things not meant to be, I still have something to say. It comes from one of the stories of my life. A fragment of a song, written on a soggy cocktail napkin and thrown in the offering bucket of a Church in a Bar.  

"Thank you Lord for thinking about me.  I'm alive and doing fine."

I can't think of a better Thanksgiving prayer. 

O Lord! 

One more thing. 

Fuck Cancer!

And thank you for turtles in trees.