"Yeah I think you're too jaded to be objective in your posts when you speak on behalf of others but it does generate conversation."
My wife text me that yesterday.
Jaded is such an interesting word ... "tired, bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having too much of something."
It's true, I suppose, in that I've had way too much racism, sexism, bigotry, stupid politicians and bad music in my life.
It pisses me off when I'm confronted with such things.
There's nothing unenthusiastic about me being pissed off.
It takes a lot to make me angry these days.
I used to be full of righteous indignation and fought the good fights ... winning more than I lost but losing a lot in the process.
These days I celebrate everything I've got while helping others leave everything behind to whatever comes next.
I'm not angry today.
I'm sad.
On this Paradise of an Island, we're surrounded by hate, bigotry, racism, stupid politicians and visitors who'll bring what I believe to be really bad music, though somehow it's meaningful to them.
Everything I hate collides today on Tybee Island.
Self righteousness is the guiding principal for everyone calling this clump of sand home.
The kids coming today will do little more than what we all did as kids ... get away with as much as you can ... because you only live once ... and you're only young this once.
Everyone's hate is broadcast in politically correct language.
Everybody says they love everybody else.
Everybody just wants to keep everybody safe.
What a load of Bullshit!