Our house is an anomaly on Tybee Island for many reasons ... meaning we have children.
There's not a lot for kids to do on-island because it's overrun with childless adults who could care less about anything other than when their grandchildren visit during the summer!
Year round there's not many activities for our girls to take advantage of on Tybee because all the structured, financed, planned functions are for old people.
The current big controversy on-island ... well if you don't count Orange Crush ... is if the City will build a public pool?
City leadership refuses to make the call and put it out for a referendum in November because they don't want to be blamed if the pool fails ... so they want the public to demand it be built ... rather than make a decision themselves ... which is what they are elected to do.
A decade ago City Leadership did have the guts to make a decision and built the "Yoeman Solomon's Gymnasium" ... named after two politicians ... which nobody really uses ... because it's inaccessible and expensive ... plus it's built backwards, is ugly and occasionally opens for kids to use.
It was one of the worst councils ever elected ... unless you talk to anyone's who's elected ... then they were great ... and have a Gym to prove it.
I think the people on-island will demand a pool be built ... because they are too old to play basketball or roller skate in a Gym ... but they will flock to water aerobics with floats!
Of course there will be no available parking for the new "Old People Pool" ... because there is no parking on Tybee Island ... just stroll down the ocean side of 12th or 13th Street and count the number of yellow curbs for no apparent reason ... the island could have more parking but doesn't want it.
Honestly I believe we're morphing into a "Gated Community" which is what old people love.
But I digress.
This is the top 10 list of things for kids to do and enjoy on Tybee Island, Georgia.
1. Go to the beach.
2. Pick up a dead cannon ball jellyfish and toss it to your Mom or Dad to scare tourists.
3. Count the number of police vehicles and lifeguards on the beach (and to make it more challenging count the number of people being ticketed for simply being here ... this will soon become a more challenging game when plastic bags are banned).
4. Take your friends to the top of the Lighthouse so you can spit on tourists entering the Lighthouse ... BY FAR ... THIS IS THE MOST EXCITING ACTIVITY FOR KIDS WHO LIVE ON TYBEE OR ARE VISITING!
5. Get your Mom to drive to drive you to the Wilmington Island YMCA to go swimming in the pool, play soccer, run the track, and actually meet fellow young people!!!!
6. If you are an older kid ... screw in the Dunes after 5 when the Lifeguards and Cops stop patrolling the beach.
7-10. There are none.
I hope this is helpful because I love this place but our girls keep asking me "What are we going to do today?"
It strikes me that, if they're asking ... then other kids are asking too ... so this is for them.
Now I'm going to go outside with our dogs and wait on the Police Department to ticket me for barking ... as Goddess and Winston, the Little Gay Dog, sleep in the grass.